My life as an artist, profession and avocation, has been an utter fascination with mass production in the machine age.

The difference is between a hand-crafted item and how this can be translated, by print or process, into a "stamped out" deal ... all while retaining it's quality as an art object.

Art is communication.

We lose our humanity the more shit we produce. Lotta art sucks.

Not all buttons are created equal.

If I Can Draw It ...

And ... I can't draw either.

Really, I almost washed out of art school because I CANNOT DRAW !!

Enter the computer age.

CHEAT - I can cheat with tech !!
TRACE - Gimmie something to copy.
PROCESS - The longer I survived in the field, the more tricks I was able to see others perform. Desperate to stay employed ... I copied their tricks.

I can:
1) Draw something flat
2) Use process to push it up & out into the 3rd dimension
3) Photograph it
4) Then fold the picture back into a 2d mass production print product.

A Star is Born

I can do print all day long.

I make one-off, individual art pieces all night ... the likes of which you ain't never seen

But, can I sell print ?

All the hand-made eyeball buttons get photographed & photoshopped.

I can do anything I want with those. Coffee mugs ... shower curtains.
All that shit.

Check out my greeting cards.

To make this thing real, I determined I would need to offer customers their own, 3-dimensional ticket to the eyeball party and let the print stuff fall in behind as support product.

Including buttons ... which we all love.

( Image here is hand-made art, photographed, printed on canvas with eyeballs glued to it )



All 3d prints are essentially hollow. Inside the part you see is "infill". Printer prints a spacer pattern. This one is called Gyroid. And it rocks.

And so ... happy accident vulture that I am ( I can't draw, but I CAN fall right into other people's tricks ) as soon as I saw these wild waves, all my print graphics juices got to flowing.

Truly, I believe in mass production.

To make an art object with mass production the stakes have to be totally raised. Next-level art.

Eyeballs, dude !